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The DNA-wave-biocomputer



This paper reports experimental work carried out in Moscow at the Institute of Control Sciences, Wave Genetics Inc. and theoretical work from several sources. This work changes the notion about the genetic code essentially. It asserts: -1) That the evolution of biosystems has created genetic "texts", similar to natural context dependent texts in human languages, shaping the text of these speech-like patterns. 2) That the chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them, and 3) That the chromosome continuum of multicellular organisms is analogous to a static-dynamical multiplex time-space holographic grating, which comprises the space-time of an organism in a convoluted form. That is to say, the DNA action, theory predicts and which experiment confirms, i) is that of a "gene-sign" laser and its solitonic electro-acoustic fields, such that the gene-biocomputer "reads and understands" these texts in a manner similar to human thinking, but at its own genomic level of "reasoning". It asserts that natural human texts (irrespectively of the language used), and genetic "texts" have similar mathematical-linguistic and entropic-statistic characteristics, where these concern the fractality of the distribution of the character frequency density in the natural and genetic texts, and where in case of genetic "texts", the characters are identified with the nucleotides, and ii) that DNA molecules, conceived as a gene-sign continuum of any biosystem, are able to form holographic pre-images of biostructures and of the organism as a whole as a registry of dynamical "wave copies" or "matrixes", succeeding each other. This continuum is the measuring, calibrating field for constructing its biosystem.
The DNA-wave Biocomputer
Peter P. Gariaev*, Boris I. Birshtein*, Alexander M. Iarochenko*, Peter J. Marcer**,
George G. Tertishny*, Katherine A. Leonova*, Uwe Kaempf ***.
* Institute Control of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia,, and
Wave Genetics Inc. 87 Scollard Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5R 1G4,,
**53 Old Vicarage Green, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2DH, UK,, .
*** Institut f. Klinische, Diagnostische und Differentielle Psychologie- Am
Falkenbrunnen - D-01062 Dresden TU, Dresden, Germany,
This paper reports experimental work carried out in Moscow at the Institute of Control
Sciences, Wave Genetics Inc. and theoretical work from several sources. This work
changes the notion about the genetic code essentially. It asserts: -
1) That the evolution of biosystems has created genetic "texts", similar to natural
context dependent texts in human languages, shaping the text of these speech-like
2) That the chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of
these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them, and
3) That the chromosome continuum of multicellular organisms is analogous to a static-
dynamical multiplex time-space holographic grating, which comprises the space-time of
an organism in a convoluted form.
That is to say, the DNA action, theory predicts and which experiment confirms,
i) is that of a "gene-sign" laser and its solitonic electro-acoustic fields, such that the
gene-biocomputer "reads and understands" these texts in a manner similar to human
thinking, but at its own genomic level of "reasoning". It asserts that natural human texts
(irrespectively of the language used), and genetic "texts" have similar mathematical-
linguistic and entropic-statistic characteristics, where these concern the fractality of the
distribution of the character frequency density in the natural and genetic texts, and
where in case of genetic "texts", the characters are identified with the nucleotides, and
ii) that DNA molecules, conceived as a gene-sign continuum of any biosystem, are able
to form holographic pre-images of biostructures and of the organism as a whole as a
registry of dynamical "wave copies" or "matrixes”, succeeding each other. This
continuum is the measuring, calibrating field for constructing its biosystem.
Keywords: DNA, wave-biocomputer, genetic code, human language, quantum
1. What Theory Predicts.
1.1 Introduction.
How did this new theory take shape? The principle problem of the creation of the
genetic code, as seen in all the approaches [Gariaev 1994; Fatmi et al. 1990; Perez 1991:
Clement et al. 1993; Marcer, Schempp 1996; Patel, 2000] was to explain the mechanism
by means of which a third nucleotide in an encoding triplet, is selected. To understand,
what kind of mechanism resolves this typically linguistic problem of removing
homonym indefiniteness, it is necessary firstly to postulate a mechanism for the context-
wave orientations of ribosomes in order to resolve the problem of a precise selection of
amino acid during protein synthesis [Maslow, Gariaev 1994]. This requires that some
general informational intermediator function with a very small capacity, within the
process of convolution versus development of sign regulative patterns of the genome-
biocomputer endogenous physical fields. It lead to the conceptualization of the
genome's associative-holographic memory and its quantum nonlocality. These
assumptions produce a chromosome apparatus and fast wave genetic information
channels connecting the chromosomes of the separate cells of an organism into a
holistic continuum, working as the biocomputer, where one of the field types produced
by the chromosomes, are their radiations. This postulated capability of such "laser
radiations" from chromosomes and DNA, as will be shown, has already been
demonstrated experimentally in Moscow, by the Gariaev Group. Thus it seems the
accepted notions about the genetic code must change fundamentally, and in doing so it
will be not only be possible to create and understand DNA as a wave biocomputer, but
to gain from nature a more fundamental understanding of what information [Marcer in
press] really is! For the Gariaev Group's experiments in Moscow and Toronto say that
the current understanding of genomic information i.e. the genetic code, is only half the
story [Marcer this volume].
1.2 What experiment confirms, part one.
These wave approaches all require that the fundamental property of the chromosome
apparatus is the nonlocality of the genetic information. In particular, quantum
nonlocality/teleportation within the framework of concepts introduced by Einstein,
Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) [Sudbery 1997; Bouwmeester et al.1997]. This quantum
nonlocality has now, by the experimental work of the Gariaev Group, been directly
related (i) to laser radiations from chromosomes, (ii) to the ability of the chromosome to
gyrate the polarization plane of its own radiated and occluded photons and (iii) to the
suspected ability of chromosomes, to transform their own genetic-sign laser radiations
into broadband genetic-sign radio waves. In the latter case, the polarizations of
chromosome laser photons are connected nonlocally and coherently to polarizations of
radio waves. Partially, this was proved during experiments in vitro, when the DNA
preparations interplaying with a laser beam (
=632.8 nm), organized in a certain way,
polarize and convert the beam simultaneously into a radio-frequency range. In these
experiments, another extremely relevant phenomenon was detected: photons, modulated
within their polarization by molecules of the DNA preparation. These are found to be
localized (or "recorded") in the form of a system of laser mirrors' heterogeneities.
Further, this signal can "be read out" without any essential loss of the information (as
theory predicts [ Gariaev 1994; Marcer, Schempp 1996]), in the form of isomorphously
(in relation to photons) polarized radio waves. Both the theoretical and experimental
research on the convoluted condition of localized photons therefore testifies in favour of
these propositions.
These independently research approaches also lead to the postulate, that the liquid
crystal phases of the chromosome apparatus (the laser mirror analogues) can be
considered as a fractal environment to store the localized photons, so as to create a
coherent continuum of quantum-nonlocally distributed polarized radio wave genomic
information. To a certain extent, this corresponds with the idea of the genome's
quantum-nonlocality, postulated earlier, or to be precise, with a variation of it.
This variation says that the genetic wave information from DNA, recorded within the
polarizations of connected photons, being quantum-nonlocal, constitutes a broadband
radio wave spectrum correlated - by means of polarizations - with the photons. Here, the
main information channel, at least in regard to DNA, is the parameter of polarization,
which is nonlocal and is the same for both photons and the radio waves. A characteristic
feature is, that the Fourier-image of the radio spectra is dynamic, depending essentially
on the type of matter interrogated. It can therefore be asserted, that this phenomenon
concerns a new type of a computer (and biocomputer) memory, and also a new type of
EPR spectroscopy, namely one featuring photon-laser-radiowave polarization
spectroscopy. The fundamental notion is, that the photon-laser-radiowave features
of different objects (i.e. the Fourier-spectra of the radiowaves of crystals, water,
metals, DNA, etc) are stored for definite but varying times by means of laser
mirrors, such that the "mirror spectra" concern chaotic attractors with a complex
dynamic fractal dynamics, recurring in time. The Gariaev Group experiments are
therefore not only unique in themselves, they are a first example, that a novel static
storage/recording environment (laser mirrors) exists, capable of directly recording the
space-time atomic/molecular rotary dynamical behaviour of objects. Further the
phenomena, detected by these experiments described in part two, establish the existence
of an essentially new type of radio signal, where the information is encoded by
polarizations of electromagnetic vectors. This will be the basis of a new type of video
recording, and will create a new form of cinema as well.
Further experimental research has revealed the high biological (genetic) activity of such
radio waves, when generated under the right conditions by DNA. For example, by
means of such artificially produced DNA radiations, the super fast growth of potatoes
(up to 1 cm per day) has been achieved, together with dramatic changes of
morphogenesis resulting in the formation of small tubers not on rootstocks but on stalks.
The same radiations also turned out to be able to cause a statistically authentic
"resuscitation" of dead seeds of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, which were taken from
the Chernobyl area in 1987. By contrast, the monitoring of irradiations by polarized
radio waves, which do not carry information from the DNA, is observed to be
biologically inactive. In this sequence of experiments, additional evidence was also
obtained in favour of the possibility of the existence of the genetic information in form
of the polarization of a radio wave physical field. This supports the supposition that the
main information channel in these experiments is the biosign modulations of
polarizations mediated by some version of quantum nonlocality. A well known fact can
therefore be seen in new light, namely, that the information biomacromolecules - DNA,
RNA and proteins - have an outspoken capacity to optical rotatory dispersion of visible
light and of circular dichroism. Similarly, the low molecular components of biosystems,
such as saccharides, nucleotides, amino acids, porphyrins and other biosubstances have
the same capacity; a capacity, which until now made little biological sense. Now,
however, it supports, the contention that this newly detected phenomenon of quantized
optical activity can be considered as the means by which the organism obtains unlimited
information on its own metabolism. That is, such information is read by endogenous
laser radiations of chromosomes, which, in their turn, produce the regulative
("semantic") radio emission of the genome biocomputer. Furthermore, the apparent
inconsistency between the wavelengths of such radiations and the sizes of organisms,
cells and subcell structures is abrogated, since the semantic resonances in the
biosystems’ space are realized not at the wavelength level, but at the level of frequencies
and angles of twist of the polarization modes. This mechanism is the basis for the
artificial laser-radio-wave vitro-in vivo scanning of the organism and its components.
However, chromosome quantum nonlocality as a phenomenon of the genetic
information is seen as particularly important in multicellular organisms and as applying
on various levels.
The 1-st level is that the organism as a whole. Here nonlocality is reflected in the
capacity for regeneration, such that any part of the body recreates the whole organism,
as, for example, in case of the worm Planaria. That is to say, any local limiting of the
genetic information to any part of a biosystem is totally absent. The same concerns the
vegetative reproduction of plants.
The 2nd level is the cellular level. Here it is possible to grow a whole organism out of a
single cell. However with highly evolved animal biosystems, this will be a complex
The 3rd level is the cellular-nuclear level. The enucleation of nuclei from somatic and
sexual cells and the subsequent introduction into them of other nuclei does not impede
the development of a normal organism. Cloning of this kind has already been carried out
on higher biosystems, for example, sheep.
The 4th level is the molecular level: here, the ribosome "would read" mRNA not only
on the separate codons, but also on the whole and in consideration of context.
The 5th level is the chromosome-holographic: at this level, a gene has a holographic
memory, which is typically distributed, associative, and nonlocal, where the holograms
"are read" by electromagnetic or acoustic fields. These carry the gene-wave information
out beyond the limits of the chromosome structure. Thus, at this and subsequent levels,
the nonlocality takes on its dualistic material-wave nature, as may also be true for the
holographic memory of the cerebral cortex [ Pribram 1991; Schempp 1992; 1993;
Marcer, Schempp 1997; 1998]
The 6th level concerns the genome’s quantum nonlocality. Up to the 6th level, the
nonlocality of bio-information is realized within the space of an organism. The 6th level
has, however, a special nature; not only because it is realized at a quantum level, but
also because it works both throughout the space of a biosystem and in a biosystems own
time frame. The billions of an organism’s cells therefore "know" about each other
instantaneously, allowing the cell set is to regulate and coordinate its metabolism and its
own functions. Thus, nonlocality can be postulated to be the key factor explaining the
astonishing evolutionary achievement of multicellular biosystems. This factor says that
bioinformatic events, can be instantaneously coordinated, taking place "here and there
simultaneously", and that in such situations the concept of "cause and effect" loses any
sense. This is of a great importance! The intercellular diffusion of signal substances and
of the nervous processes is far too inertial for this purpose. Even if it is conceded that
intercellular transmissions take place electro-magnetically at light speeds, this would
still be insufficient to explain how highly evolved, highly complex biosystems work in
real time [Gariaev 1994; Ho 1993]. The apparatus of quantum nonlocality and
holography is in authors' view, indispensable to a proper explanation of such real time
working. The 6th level therefore says, the genes can act as quantum objects, and that, it
is the phenomenon of quantum non-locality/teleportation, that ensures the organism’s
super coherency, information super redundancy, super knowledge, cohesion and, as a
totality or whole, the organism's integrity (viability).
Indeed it can be said that this new understanding of biocomputers, constitutes a further
step in a development of computer technology in general. An understanding that will
bring about a total change of the constituent basis of that technology, in the history of
analogue > to > digital > to > now, the figurative semantic (nonlocal) wave computer or
biocomputer. This biocomputer will be based on new understanding of the higher forms
of the DNA memory, and the chromosome apparatus, as the recording, storaging,
transducing and transmitting system for genetic information, that must be considered
simultaneously both at the level of matter and at the level of physical fields. The latter
fields, having been just studied, as showed experimentally in this research, are carriers
of genetic and general regulative information, operating on a continuum of genetic
molecules (DNA, RNA, proteins, etc). Here, previously unknown types of memory
(soliton, holographic, polarization) and also the DNA molecule, work both as biolasers
and as a recording environment for these laser signals. The genetic code, considered
from such a point of view, will be essentially different from today's generally accepted
but incomplete model. This, the wave-biocomputer model asserts, only begins to
explain the apparatus of protein biosynthesis of living organisms, providing an
important interpretation for the initial stages within this new proposed composite
hierarchic chain of material and field, sign, holographic, semiotic-semantic and, in the
general case, of figurative encoding and deciphering chromosome functions. Here the
DNA molecules, conceived as a gene-sign continuum of any biosystem, are able to form
pre-images of biostructures and of the organism as a whole as a registry of dynamical
"wave copies" or "matrixes”, succeeding each other. This continuum is the measuring,
calibrating field for constructing any biosystem.
1.3 Features of the Wave Model
Adleman [1994], for example, has used the mechanism for fast and precise mutual
recognition between the DNA anti-parallels half-chains to solve the "the travelling
salesman’s problem". However in the wave model of biosystems, this is only one aspect
of the self-organization taking place. For here, as the experimental evidence now
confirms, the mutual recognition of one DNA anti parallel half chain (+) by the other (-)
concerns special super persistent/resonant acoustic-electromagnetic waves or solitons.
Such DNA solitons have two connected types of memory. The first is typical of the
phenomenon discovered by Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) [Fermi, 1972]. It concerns the
capability of non-linear systems to remember initial modes of energisation and to
periodically repeat them [Dubois 1992]. The DNA liquid crystals within the
chromosome structure form such a non-linear system. The second is that of the DNA-
continuum in an organism. Such memory is an aspect of the genome’s nonlocality. It is
quasi-holographic/fractal, and relates, as is the case for any hologram or fractal, to the
fundamental property of biosystems i.e. to their ability to restore the whole out of a part.
This property is well known (grafting of plants, regeneration of a lizard’s tail,
regeneration of a whole organism from the oocyte). And a higher form of such a
biological memory would be a holographic (associative) memory of the brain cortex, i.e.
of its neural network [Pribram 1991; Schempp 1992; Marcer Schempp 1997, 1998;
Sutherland 1999]. Such wave sign encoding/decoding therefore, like DNA's ability to
resolve "the travelling salesman’s problem", is, it can be hypothesized, an integral part
of DNA's computational biofunctionality. Indeed DNA solitary waves (solitons), and in
particular, the nucleotide waves of oscillatory rotation, "read" the genome’s sign
patterns, so that such sign vibratory dynamics may be considered as one of many
genomic non-linear dynamic semiotic processes. The expression "DNA’s texts”,
borrowed earlier as a metaphor from the linguists, is it turns out therefore related
directly to actual human speech. For as mathematical-linguistic research into DNA and
human speech textual patterns, shows [Maslow, Gariaev 1994] the key parameter of
both such patterns is fractality. It can therefore be hypothesized that the grammar of
genetic texts is a special case of the general grammar of all human languages.
Returning however to DNA computation based on matter-wave sign functions with a
view to realizing its wave coding capabilities, as distinct those used by Adleman, which
might be termed its matter capabilities. Such true wave control capabilities of the DNA
or chromosomes are, we hypothesize, those conditions that apply inside the living cell,
i.e. in an aqueous solution but which correspond to a liquid-crystal condition as well.
For under such conditions, in the unique circumstances of cell division, the living cell
has the ability to replicate itself, and has the property of what in relation to a self
replicating automaton, von Neumann [1966] called "universal computer construction"
so that we may say that the living cell is such a computer based on DNA [Marcer
Schempp 1997a]. And while the artificial cloning of a single cell is not yet feasible,
what we have been able to do, is to record the DNA-wave information appropriate to
these wave sign conditions of the DNA in a cell on laser mirrors, and to use, for
example, the recorded DNA-wave information from living seeds in the form of radio
waves to resuscitate the corresponding "dead" seeds damaged by radioactivity.
The next step forward is therefore to bring into general use, such wave information and
memory as now newly identified in relation to DNA and gene structure. Such
applications could be on the basis of, for example,
i) The FPU-recurrence phenomenon, and/or,
ii) The ability to record holograms, as well as,
iii) The recording the polarization-wave DNA’s information onto localized photons.
Regarding volume and speed, such memory could exceed many times over the now
available magnetic and optical disks, as well as current classical holographic systems.
But in particular, such applications may employ the principles of quantum nonlocality.
For DNA and the genome have now been identified as active "laser-like" environments,
where, as experimentally shown, chromosome preparations may act as a memory and as
"lasers", with the abilities i), ii) and iii) above. And finally there are the quasi-speech
features of the DNA, as these concern both natural gene texts, and artificial
(synthesized) sign sequences of polynucleotides, which emulate natural quasi-speech
gene programs. However, we believe this maybe a rather dangerous path, where a
regulatory system of prohibitions on artificial wave genes is indispensable. The reason is
that such an approach to DNA-wave biocomputation means entering new semiotic areas
of the human genome and the biosphere in general; areas, which are used by the Nature
to create humankind. This thought follows from the theoretical studies on a collective
symmetry of the genetic code as carried out by the Eigen’s laboratory [Scherbak, 1988]
at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. This research shows, that the key part of the
information, already recorded and still being recorded as quasi-speech in the
chromosomes of all organisms on our planet, may concern semantic exobiological
influences, since in regard to DNA-wave biocomputation, DNA acts as a kind of aerial
open to the reception of not only the internal influences and changes within the
organism but to those outside it as well. Indeed we regard this as one of our primary
findings, which in view of quantum nonlocality of organisms extends not only to the
organism's local environment, but also beyond it to the extent of the entire universe.
With reference to what we have said already, it is possible to offer the following
perspectives on the sign manipulations with gene structures.
1.Creation of artificial memory on genetic molecules, which will indeed possess both
fantastic volume and speed.
2.Creation of biocomputers, based on these totally new principles of DNA-wave
biocomputation, which use quantum teleportation [Sudbury 1997] and can be compared
to the human brain regarding methods of data processing and functional capabilities.
3.The implementation of a remote monitoring of key information processes inside
biosystems by means of such artificial biocomputers, resulting in treatments for cancer,
AIDS, genetic deformities, control over socio-genetic processes and eventually
prolongation of the human life time.
4.Active protection against destructive wave effects, thanks to wave-information
channel detectors.
5.Establishing exobiological contacts.
2. What Experiment Confirms, part two, the Experiments
Some of the experiments and computer simulations carried out in Moscow are now
described. They set out in more detail how the understanding in sections 1. was arrived
at. These descriptions concern the specific apparatus used and results obtained, together
with computer simulations carried out to validate specific aspects of the developing
Photograph 1. This first picture shows a photograph of the experimental apparatus. The
principal elements are a laser, the light of which is directed through a lens system and a DNA
sandwich sample as shown diagrammatically below
Diagram 1. Illustrates the workings of the experiment which employs a dynamic light
scattering system of the type Malvern.
This understanding is then compared in section 3 with an entirely independently
researched prospective obtained by Marcer, and Schempp [1996].
This shows the scattering by the DNA sample of the laser light, which is then guided
through another lens system into the type Malvern analysing device, which counts the
photons registered in different serial channels.The results of two experiments are shown
at end of paper: the first entitled "Background - Empty Space", done without a DNA
sample, and the second, with it in place, entitled "Physical DNA in SSC Solution".
The latter has the typical form of a periodically reoccurring pattern, which is of the same
functional type as found in an autocorrelation. Such regularly occurring periodic
patterns have an interpretation in terms of the phenomenon of so-called Fermi-Pasta-
Ulam recurrence, which concerns solitonic waves. That is to say, this interpretation says
that roughly speaking, the DNA, considered as a liquid-crystal gel-like state, acts on the
incoming light in the manner of a solitonic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice, as illustrated here:
The leading question, if this is the case, is what could such action achieve? The starting
idea was that it must be concerned with the reading of the genetic texts encoded in the
DNA, where however this language metaphor is now applied directly to these texts.
That is to say, rather than the usual analogy taking such texts as a digital computer
language or symbolic instruction code, such texts are considered instead as having the
semantic and generative grammatical features of a spoken or written context dependent
human language. That is, we conceived of the DNA acting in the same way as the
human would, when presented with a text from a good book on a fascinating theme,
which, as it is read, invokes actual 3 dimensional pictures/images in the mind's eye.
The reason for this choice concerned the problem in DNA coding raised by the question
of synonymy and homonymy as it applies to the third element/codon of the codon
triplets. For while, see figure below, synonymy even seems to provide a kind of
redundancy, homonymy constitutes a serious difficulty under the often proposed
postulate that only the first two elements of the DNA codon triplet (standing for a
particular protein- the picture in the mind's eye, so to speak) are the significant ones.
That is to say, how does the reading ribosome know which protein has to be generated,
if the third nucleotide in codon’s triplet does not of itself provide the answer with total
certainty? The proposed answer was, that this ambiguity might be resolved by some
kind of context dependent reading similar to that inherent in human speech and
language understanding.
Figure: Synonymy versus Homonymy
Satisfyingly, this need to explain how such context-dependent reading might be
implemented in the DNA reduplication/reading process, as will be shown, led back to
the experimental evidence as presented above, for it supports the postulate that such
context dependent reading of the DNA is indeed best understood in the framework of a
biosolitonic process model.
A soliton is an ultra stable wave train often with a seemly simple closed shape, which
can arise in the context of non-linear wave oscillations. It actually consists of a rather
complexly interrelated assembly of sub wave structures, which keep the whole solitonic
process in a stationary state over a comparatively long time. In the literature, a soliton is
often described as an entity, which is neither a particle nor a wave in much the same
way as is a quantum, for it, too has wave/particle duality. It can also be a means to carry
information. Solitonic processing in DNA, would therefore, it was hypothesized, relate,
in one of its aspects, the reading of the codons, to quantum computing [Patel 2000], and
this could therefore concern the soliton viewed as the travelling "window", that opens in
the double helix structure as the reading takes place, as is illustrated below:
It was therefore decided to model this reading process as a complex mechanical
oscillator [Gariaev 1994], capable of producing solitonic wave transmissions, which
takes the form of a system of rotary pendulums, like those in a certain type of pendulum
clock, as illustrated,
to see if the computer simulations could shed more light on just what might be
happening in the DNA. In the basic model, illustrated and shown below, each of the
oscillatory movements of each element of the linked chain of oscillators depends
heavily on the motion of its neighbours, and on the differences in the specific weights of
the elements. Imagine now that the DNA forms such a kind of pendulum, whilst the
intertwined helices/chains are opened at one particular section to provide the travelling
window, as in the previous figure. That is to say, the model to be simulated is a chain of
non-linear oscillators, the four types of which can be identified with the Adenine (A),
Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), and Thymine (T) or Uracil (C) components DNA, all having
different spatial structures and masses, and where there is a travelling window opened in
the double helix. Such a model allows a rather complex pattern of oscillation in the
DNA chain of elements, depending on the actual layout of the elements as specified by
the actual genetic code sequence involved. The window as it travels, is therefore highly
context dependent.
Starting at the following sequence:
(5’ начало)
1020 (3’-конец)
the figures, which follow, are those of the computer simulation of this process of the
travelling window, carried out in relation to a particular fragment of viral DNA. The
first two figures with respect to the simulation, where the vertical is the time axis, show
what would happen, in case of a context dependent reading beginning from two
different nucleotides of the DNA chain, namely the 400th and the 450th respectively. In
both cases these concern activity in the form of a "kink", which runs through the chain
of nucleotides, A, C, G, T. The second two figures show even more sophisticated types
of context dependent effects. These concern the complex dynamic patterns, which arise
when also taking into account the non-linear covalent connections between the
Thus subject to the assumption that DNA is a certain kind of liquid crystal structure
with dynamic properties, where the interrelated solitonic activities are linked, as may be
supposed, together to form a highly coherent wave structure, then:-
i) The masses of the nucleotides and other parameters show that these oscillatory
activities should be located somewhere together in the "acoustic" wave domain, and
ii) That, as a liquid crystal, the DNA could influence the polarization of the weak light
emission known to exist in cells, the so called "biophotons". This kind of emitted light
in cells was first discovered by the Russian investigator Alexander Gurwitsch [1923],
who called it the "mitogenic radiation". Today it is known from the work of Fritz Albert
Popp [Popp, 2000], that such biophotonic or mitogenic light, while being ultraweak, is
however on the other hand, highly coherent, so that it has an inherent laser-like light
The experimental setting and the resulting simulations therefore say that:-
iii) The experimental laser beam is simply a substitute for the endogenous intracellular
coherent light emitted by the DNA molecule itself, and that
iv) The superimposed coherent waves of different types in the cells are interacting to
form diffraction patterns, firstly in the "acoustic" domain, and secondly in the
electromagnetic domain. Furthermore such diffraction patterns are by definition (and as
is known for example from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [Binz, Schempp
2000a,b] a kind of quantum hologram. Thus, it seems that our original picture is
confirmed and that the considered interaction between solitonic oscillations in the liquid
crystal structure of DNA, and the polarization vector of the ultraweak biophotonic
highly coherent light, could indeed be hypothetically understood as a mechanism of
translation between holograms in the "acoustic" frequency domain, which concerns
rather short range effects and those in the electromagnetic domain and vice versa.
The basis of such an hypothetical mechanism as a translation process, between acoustic
and optical holograms, can be easily illustrated in the laboratory, where, as shown
below, there is a fish illuminated in water by means of the acoustic radiation, in such a
way that on the surface of the water an interference pattern or hologram forms, such that
when this interference pattern is illuminated from above in the right way, by light of a
high laser quality, a virtual visual image of the fish appears above the water. It shows
that the hologram in question acts as a holographic transducer between the acoustic and
electromagnetic domains.
Laboratory illustration of a holographic transducer between the acoustic and electromagnetic
This illustrated transduction when described in terms of the formalization of Huygens'
principle of secondary sources [Jessel 1954], has been used as the basis of a new
topological computing principle [Fatmi, Resconi 1988] which defines entire classes of
non-commutative control structures, Fatmi et al [1990]. It was applied to DNA. and
more recently to the brain [Clement et al. 1999].
3. Another Theoretical but Experimentally Validated Perspective -
Quantum Holography
Sections 1 and 2 are in excellent agreement with the independently researched model of
DNA produced by Marcer and Schempp [1996]. This explains the workings of the
DNA-wave biocomputer in terms of a quantum mechanical theory called quantum
holography [Schempp 1992] used by Schempp [1998] and Binz and Schempp [2000a,b;
1999] to correctly predict the workings of MRI. These two DNA-wave biocomputer
models are also, as cited, in good agreement with qubit model explanation of DNA
more recently published by Patel [2000], and earlier independent researched models by
Clement et al [1993] and Perez [1991].
The quantum holographic DNA-wave biocomputer model describes the
morphology and dynamics of DNA, as a self-calibrating antenna working by phase
conjugate adaptive resonance capable of both receiving and transmitting quantum
holographic information stored in the form of diffraction patterns (which in MRI can be
shown to be quantum holograms). The model describes how during the development of
the embryo of the DNA's organism, these holographic patterns carry the essential
holographic information necessary for that development. This would explain the almost
miraculous way the multiplying assembly of individual cells is coordinated across the
entire organism throughout every stage of its development - in complete agreement with
the explanation arrived at in Moscow by Gariaev and his co-workers
The quantum holographic theory requires that the DNA consists of two
antiparallel (phase conjugate) helices, between which (in conformity with DNA's known
structure, ie the planes on which the base pairing takes place) the theory says, are
located hologram planes/holographic gratings, where the necessary 3 spatial
dimensional holographic image data of the organism is stored in agreement with the
Gariaev group's hypothesis. It says, as described in relation to laser illumination of a
DNA sample, that such illumination can be expected to turn the DNA into a series of
active adaptive phase conjugate mirrors (see figure below)/holographic transducers (see
figure of laboratory illustration earlier), from which would resonantly emerge a beam of
radiation, on which is carried the holographic information as encoded in the DNA. As
indeed is the case in the Gariaev group experiments already described. These
experiments thus confirm the quantum holographic prediction that DNA functions an
antenna capable of both encoding and decoding holographic information. This
functionality is also in good agreement with the findings of Schempp [1986] that
quantum holography is capable of modelling antennae such as synthetic aperture radars,
and that this mathematical description of radar can be applied [Marcer and Schempp
1997] to a model, working by quantum holography, of the neuron. This model is in
good accord with the biological neuron's information processing morphology and signal
dynamics. As indeed are the quantum holographic models of the brain as a conscious
system, and of the prokaryote cell [Marcer, Schempp 1996, 1997a]. It is a viewpoint
originally voiced by de Broglie, who presciently pictured the electron as being guided by
its own pilot wave or radar! These examples including MRI all demonstrate that
quantum holography does indeed incorporate signal theory into quantum physics and it
can be hypothesized biocomputation.
Phase conjugate mechanism or mirror in the laboratory.
Action of an active adaptive phase conjugate mirror.
Furthermore, quantum holography predicts that the planes, in which the base pairing
takes place, constitute a "paged" associative holographic memory and filter bank
(carrying holograms which can be written and read) and which has no cross talk
between the pages. The orthogonality of the holograms encoded on these pages, arises
as the result of the sharp frequency adaptive coupling conditions (1), which specify very
narrow spectral windows, i.e. the "pages".
(1) <Hv(a,b; x,y)| Hv(c,d ; x,y)> = 0 when frequency v is not equal v'
<Hv(a,b; x,y)| Hv(c,d ; x,y)> = <aOb | cOd> when v = v'
for non-degenerate four wavelet mixing where a,b,c,d are the corresponding wave
functions of the mixing; Hv(a,b; x,y) is the holographic transform which in quantum
holography defines the probability of detecting a wave quantum frequency v within a
unit area attached to the point (x,y) of the hologram plane, where the wavelet mixing
aOb takes place and is described in terms of a tensor multiplication O. The
orthogonality condition (1) can be seen therefore as specifying a set of diagonal
elements or trace Tr in a unit matrix in the frequency domain. It implies, as can be
shown, that the Shannon encoding schema employed in DNA is optimally efficient,
which following a billion or more years of evolution, in DNA could be expected to be
the case.
The conditions (1) are therefore in excellent agreement with Gariaev group's
conclusion. It confirms that the planes on which the base pairing takes places, concerns
two quantum holograms, ie the wavelet mixings aOb and cOd, where each specifies a
"context", one for the other. Further quantum holography predicts, based on the
symmetries of the 3 dimensional representation of the Heisenberg Lie group G, that in
relation to the quantum hologram defined by a wavelet mixing aOb, the coherent
wavelet packet densities a(t)dt and b(t')dt' are indistinguishable by means of relative
time and phase corrections applied to the respective wavelet pathways (x,y) in the
hologram plane. That is, to say, the tensor operation O, in the case of quantum
holography, describes a quantum entanglement, even though aOb defines a quantum
hologram, from which quantum holography shows and MRI proves, holographic
information can be both written/encoded and read/decoded.
Thus, mathematically, DNA can on the basis of quantum holography be thought of
represented quantum mechanically very simply by the trace
Tr < a,b | c,d >
such that when the double helix is opened, in accordance with the Gariaev description
above, this corresponds to the representation
< a,b | >< | c,d >
The process of completed duplication of DNA can therefore represented as
Tr<a,b | c,d>< a,b | c,d >
because as it is crucial to understand in the case of DNA, the two strands of the double
helix are, quantum holography shows, not the same but phase conjugate, ie what
biologists call complementary/antiparallel, and so must be represented within the
context of DNA itself by a,b and c,d respectively. These pairs differ quantum
holography shows, constituting covariant and contragrediant representations, which are
essentially topologically cohomologous [Marcer 2000]. It could explain why to quote de
Duve [1984], just the two elementary base-pairing {A,U/T}and {G,C} of respectively
the nucleotides Adenine and Uracil/Thymine together with Guanine and Cytosine, are
needed, to "govern through the two relatively fragile structures they embody, the whole
of information transfer throughout the biosphere". That is to say, in DNA, these two
nucleotide base pairings are the universal chemical mechanisms producing the wavelet
mixing O on the hologram planes (which they also define) such that DNA can then be
given a shorthand description in terms of context dependent genetic texts written in the
four letters A,T,G,C.
The topological differentiation referred to above follows from the fact that, while in
quantum mechanics, a wave function is only determined up to an arbitrary phase, phase
difference is of physical significance (as in holography), because there exists a class of
quantum observables, which are the gauge invariant geometric phases of the state vector
or wave function [Resta 1997; Schempp 1992; Anandan 1992]. These observables must
therefore be distinguished from those which are the eigenvalues of some operator,
usually the Hamiltonian or energy function. Such a state vector description (with gauge
invariant phases) by means of which each DNA molecule can clearly be expected to be
described, would explain the difference between the nature of quantum interference and
quantum self interference, which DNA from its double helical structure can thus be
recognized to concern.
In the above means of representing DNA therefore, | >< | represents by the quantum
correspondence principle, the quantum soliton control [see also, Denschlag et al, 2000]
or wavepacket activity rather than its classical soliton counterpart, which was the subject
of the Moscow computer simulations. These all confirm the Gariaev group's conclusions
reached as a result of their experiments, that DNA functions as a quantum coherent
system/assembly (of now quantum oscillators) or whole, by means of quantum
entanglement. A whole, where as (1) shows, this may be decomposed into an
orthogonal family of holographically encoded 3 spatial dimensional images in line with
the usual description of a quantum mechanical diagonalization. It also says in line with
the Gariaev group's findings that DNA can be described as an "autocorrelation", where
as shown here, this is an optimally efficient decomposition into a decorrelated family of
holographic code primitives /holograms, and that this, as Schempp[1992] shows,
follows from the fact a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator (in this case the highly
complex DNA molecule itself) is equivalent to an assembly of bosons each having one
polarization state. The latter substantiates the Gariaev group conclusion that they have
indeed discovered an entirely new form of electromagnetic vector by means of which
holographic images are carried in the form of a polarization state, suitable for a new
form of cinema, video and computer.
Quantum holography says that DNA satisfies the principle of computer
construction [Von Neumann, 1966], since it carries a copy of itself, and is
(a) its own blueprint written in the genetic texts, where the mechanism engineering the
DNA replication is the biophotonic electromagnetic field, while the "letters" of the
genetic texts A, G, C, U are held invariant, but where,
(b) in the case of the replication of the organism, for which DNA is the blueprint written
in the holographic information, the reverse is the case. That is, it is the "acoustic field"
in this case, which mechanically constructs/engineers the organism out of the available
matter, in accordance with the information held in the electromagnetic field holograms
(these being held invariant in this case). This must therefore mean that Adenine, Uracil,
Guanine, and Cytosine are invariants structures/weightings in both the acoustic and
electromagnetic field domains. These mechanisms therefore correspond with the know
basic features of quantum communication/information transfer known as quantum
teleportation, which consists of two inseparable signal processes one classical, one
quantum. The latter is instantaneous transmission from X to Y (unlimited in principle
as to distance), but which cannot be used without the other, which is transmission from
X to Y by conventional means at the speed of light or lower. In the case of DNA,
therefore, it is the existence of the genetic text of the organism itself which constitutes
the classical signal process of quantum teleportation, able to facilitate the quantum
mechanical signal processes of both the copying of the DNA as its own blueprint, and of
the construction of the organism (for which DNA is the blueprint) in a massively
parallel way by the means of quantum teleportation.
Remarkably too, quantum holography also confirms and is confirmed by another
astonishing experimental finding. This is the so-called "DNA-Phantom-Effect"
[Gariaev, Junin, 1989; Gariaev et al, 1991; Gariaev, 1994], a very intriguing
phenomenon, widely discussed, when it was first found by Peter Gariaev. Later similar
phenomenon termed “mimicking the effect of dust” [Allison et al, 1990]. was detected
by group of R.Pecora. This is the discovery that the pattern below, found in the first
experiment described, when a laser illuminated DNA, does not immediately disappear if
the DNA samples are removed from the apparatus. It continues in different form for
sometime. An explanation would be that quantum holography defines an
admitter/absorber quantum vacuum model of quantum mechanics in terms of
annihilation/creation operators [Schempp 1993], implying that DNA does indeed behave
like a single quantum, which induces a "hole" temporarily in the vacuum by its removal.
Graphs (a),(b) and (c): "Background - Empty Space", Physical DNA in SSC Solution"
and "Phantom DNA" respectively
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This book tries to give an overall view about quantum TGD as it stands now. The topics of this book are following. \begin{enumerate} \item In the first part of the book I will try to give an overall view about the evolution of TGD and about quantum TGD in its recent form. I cannot avoid the use of various concepts without detailed definitions and my hope is that reader only gets a bird's eye of view about TGD. Two visions about physics are discussed. According to the first vision physical states of the Universe correspond to classical spinor fields in the world of the classical worlds identified as 3-surfaces or equivalently as corresponding 4-surfaces analogous to Bohr orbits and identified as special extrema of K\"ahler action. TGD as a generalized number theory vision leading naturally also to the emergence of p-adic physics as physics of\index{cognitive representation} cognitive representations is the second vision. \item The second part of the book is devoted to the vision about physics as infinite-dimensional configuration space geometry. The basic idea is that classical spinor fields in infinite-dimensional \blockquote{world of classical worlds}, space of 3-surfaces in\index{$M^4\times CP_2$} $M^4\times CP_2$ describe the quantum states of the Universe. Quantum jump remains the only purely quantal aspect of quantum theory in this approach since there is no quantization at the level of the configuration space. Space-time surfaces correspond to special extremals of the K\"ahler action analogous to\index{Bohr orbit} Bohr orbits and define what might be called classical TGD discussed in the first chapter. The construction of the configuration space geometry and\index{spinor structure} spinor structure are discussed in remaining chapters. \item The third part of the book describes physics as generalized number theory vision. Number theoretical vision involves three loosely related approaches: fusion of real and various\index{p-adic physics} p-adic physics to a larger whole as\index{algebraic continuation} algebraic continuations of what might be called rational physics; space-time as a hyper-quaternionic surface of hyper-octonion space, and space-time surfaces as a representations of\index{infinite prime} infinite primes. \item The first chapter in the third part of the book summarizes the basic ideas related to Neumann algebras known as hyper-finite factors of type $II_1$ about which configuration space\index{Clifford algebra} Clifford algebra represents canonical example. Second chapter is devoted to the basic ideas related to the\index{hierarchy of Planck constants} hierarchy of Planck constants and related generalization of the notion of\index{embedding} embedding space to a book like structure. $M^8-H$ duality: \item The physical applications of TGD are the topic of the second part of the book. The cosmological and astrophysical applications of the many-sheeted space-time are summarized and the applications to elementary particle physics are discussed at the general level. TGD explains particle families in terms of generation genus correspondences (particle families correspond to 2-dimensional topologies labelled by genus). The notion of elementary particle\index{vacuum functional} vacuum functional is developed leading to an argument that the number of light particle families is three is discussed. The general theory for\index{particle massivation} particle massivation based on p-adic thermodynamics is discussed at the general level. The detailed calculations of elementary particle masses are not however carried out in this book. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Organization of \blockquote{TGD: an Overview: Part I}} \blockquote{TGD: an Overview: Part I} tries to give an overall view about quantum TGD as it stands now. The book consists of 3 parts. \begin{enumerate} \item In the first part I will try to give an overall view about the evolution of TGD and about quantum TGD in its recent form. I cannot avoid the use of various concepts without detailed definitions and my hope is that reader only gets a bird's eye of view about TGD. Two visions about physics are discussed. According to the first vision physical states of the Universe correspond to classical spinor fields in the world of the classical worlds identified as 3-surfaces or equivalently as corresponding 4-surfaces analogous to Bohr orbits and identified as special extrema of K\"ahler action. TGD as a generalized number theory vision leading naturally also to the emergence of p-adic physics as physics of\index{cognitive representation} cognitive representations is the second vision. \item The second part is devoted to the vision about physics as infinite-dimensional configuration space geometry. The basic idea is that classical spinor fields in infinite-dimensional \blockquote{world of classical worlds}, space of 3-surfaces in\index{$M^4\times CP_2$} $M^4\times CP_2$ describe the quantum states of the Universe. Quantum jump remains the only purely quantal aspect of quantum theory in this approach since there is no quantization at the level of the configuration space. Space-time surfaces correspond to special extremals of the K\"ahler action analogous to\index{Bohr orbit} Bohr orbits and define what might be called classical TGD discussed in the first chapter. The construction of the configuration space geometry and\index{spinor structure} spinor structure are discussed in remaining chapters. \item The third part of the book describes physics as generalized number theory vision. Number theoretical vision involves three loosely related approaches: fusion of real and various\index{p-adic physics} p-adic physics to a larger whole as\index{algebraic continuation} algebraic continuations of what might be called rational physics; space-time as a hyper-quaternionic surface of hyper-octonion space, and space-time surfaces as a representations of\index{infinite prime} infinite primes. \end{enumerate}
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The number theoretic vision of physics, which I have referred to as adelic physics, combines real number based physics as physics of sensory experience and various p-adic physics as physics of cognition to a large structure, adelic physics. The basic prediction is that evolution as an increase of algebraic complexity of space-time surfaces and of quantum states is unavoidable and corresponds to the increase of the dimension of algebraic extension associated with a given space-time region. The prediction follows from the requirement of number theoretical universality satisfied if space-time regions are determined by polynomials with integer coefficients smaller than the degree of the polynomial. The hierarchy of Planck constants is the basic new physics element predicted by adelic physics. Together with zero energy ontology (ZEO) this leads to a general view of biology. In particular, ZEO predicts that the arrow of time changes in the TGD counterparts of ordinary state function reductions and this provides a new view of biological self-organization and homeostasis. The book \blockquote{Evolution in TGD Universe} is divided into three parts. \begin{enumerate} \item The first part is devoted to general ideas and begins with a chapter about adelic physics followed by chapters about prebiotic evolution. \item In the second part the role of quantum gravitation in evolution is discussed. TGD predicts quantum gravitational coherence even in astrophysical scales and this together with ZEO has dramatic consequences concerning biology and also other systems since they are expected to couple with the magnetic bodies of the Sun, planets and even moons. I will also consider TGD variant of expanding Earth model explaining several strange findings about Cambrian explosion and suggesting a direct link between biology and cosmic expansion as TGD describes it. TGD predicts that even very simple systems can possess life-like properties: this is due to the magnetic body, which carries dark matter and serves as the "boss" of the biological body. A system of plastic balls is discussed as an example of this kind of system. \end{enumerate}
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The overall view of the topics of the book is given in the first part of the book and only the organization of the contents of "TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness: Part III" is represented. This book is devoted to\index{remote mental interaction} remote mental interactions. The theoretical motivation for taking\index{remote mental interactions} remote mental interactions seriously is that exactly the same mechanisms which are involved with the interaction between\index{magnetic body} magnetic body and biological body apply also to remote mental interactions in TGD Universe. One could also understand why these phenomena are rare: a kind of immune system making it impossible for foreign magnetic bodies to control and communicate with the biological body possessed by a particular magnetic body would be a highly probable (but perhaps not unavoidable) outcome of evolutionary process. A chapter describing a general model is followed by several chapters devoted to possible applications. These chapters have appeared also as articles in the journal devoted to remote mental interactions edited by Lian Sidoroff.
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This book collects computation related chapters from various books related to TGD. Topological quantum computation using braids consisting of magnetic flux was the first proposal in this direction.The notion of the magnetic body carrying dark matter as phases of ordinary matter with a large value of effective Planck constant serves in the role of boss since the large value of effective Planck constant is analogous to IQ. Zero energy ontology (ZEO) predicts time reversal in the TGD counterparts of state function reductions associated with the ordinary quantum measurements. The advent of AI and eventually GPT inspired the question whether classical computers could become conscious systems in some aspects analogous to quantum computers when the quantum coherence time is longer than the clock periods and statistical determinism fails. The organization of the book \blockquote{Quantum - and Classical Computation in TGD Universe} is as follows. \begin{enumerate} \item In the first part of the book the new physics relevant to biology suggested by TGD and consider a general model for how TGD Universe could act as a topological quantum computer. Two chapters are devoted to the model of\index{DNA as topological quantum computer} DNA as topological quantum computer and the ideas inspired by it. The braiding of magnetic flux tubes making TQC possible is an extremely general concept and therefore one can consider many variants of the model. Moreover, the proposed models certainly contain unrealistic elements. The basic uncertainty relates to the realization of dark genetic codon. The original proposal based on dark nucleons as 3 quarks states is very probably unrealistic and the most plausible realization is in terms of dark proton triplets. There is also a chapter devoted to the vision about 3-space as a tensor net, i.e. a network with nodes connected by flux tubes making possible quantum entanglement between nodes possible in arbitrary long length scales due to the hierarchy of Planck constants. \item In the second part of the book, the notions of classical and quantum computation are compared. Usually these approaches are regarded as unrelated. Statistical determinism is the basic assumption in classical computation but the very possibility to realize predetermined computer programs suggests that phase transitions, which are not strictly deterministic, are involved with the manipulation of bits. In the TGD framework zero energy ontology (ZEO) and quantum gravitational coherence, possible even in astrophysical scales, can change the situation. Time evolution for a generic quantum system is a sequence of unitary time evolutions followed by "small" statefunction reductions, whose sequence is the TGD counterpart for Zeno effect. If the Compton time assignable to the gravitational Planck constant is longer than the period of the computer clock, it is possible that quantal effects emerge and the computer becomes more like a living conscious entity. This can occur even below the critical clock frequency. This leads to interesting speculations concerning AI and systems like chatGPT. \end{enumerate}
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The general ideas of \blockquote{TGD and EEG} are discussed in the first part of the book so that it is enough to explain the organization of \blockquote{TGD and EEG: Part II}. The book contains parts. \begin{enumerate} \item The first part represents chapters devoted to TGD inspired models for hearing, music experience, and language. Also included are two chapters about the notion of bioharmony which started as a model of musical harmony based on the properties of icosahedron and tetrahedron. Surprisingly, the model led to successful models for the genetic code. Gene would be analog of a music piece consisting of N codons represented as 3-chords of light. This led to an identification of the bioharmony for the "music of light" as a correlate for emotions. Bio-communications between genes can be seen as music based on 3N-cyclotron resonances for dark genes with N codons of dark gene generating dark 3N-photon. The latest discovery was that the bioharmony corresponds to the so-called icosa-tetrahedral tessellation of hyperbolic 3-space playing a central role in TGD. In many respects this tessellation is completely unique, and this could make s genetic code a universal way to represent information using 6-bit sequence as a basic unit. \item The second part contains topics related to the arrow of time in neuroscience. A vision that sensory perception and motor action represent time reversals of each other in zero energy ontology (ZEO) is introduced. Also the notion of quantum statistical brain is discussed. \end{enumerate} \item The second part contains topics related to the arrow of time in neuroscience. A vision that sensory perception and motor action represent time reversals of each other in zero energy ontology (ZEO) is introduced. Also the notion of quantum statistical brain is discussed. \end{enumerate}
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The basic them of this book is the notion of\index{magnetic body} magnetic body which is one of the most radical new notions of TGD inspired theory of\index{consciousness} consciousness and\index{quantum biology} quantum biology. \begin{enumerate} \item The concept derives from the topological quantization of fields implying also the notion of\index{topological light ray} topological light ray (\blockquote{massless extremal}, ME) and quantization of electric flux. The notion means that, in contrast to Maxwell's ED, TGD allows allows to assign to a given material system also field identity. Magnetic body as the intentional agent controlling biological body thus comes the basic hypothesis of TGD inspired quantum theory of living systems. \item TGD Universe is fractal containing fractal copies of standard model physics at various\index{space-time sheet} space-time sheets and labeled by the collection of\index{p-adic prime} p-adic primes assignable to elementary particles and by the level of dark matter hierarchy characterized partially by the rational value of Planck constant labeling the pages of the book like structure formed by singular\index{covering space} covering spaces of the embedding space $M^4\times CP_2$ glued together along a four-dimensional back. Particles at different pages are dark relative to each other since purely local interactions defined in terms of the vertices of a scattering diagram involve only particles at the same page if the the number of particles is larger than two. p-Adic length scale hypothesis and the assignment of dark matter with macroscopic quantum phases characterized by a hierarchy of Planck constants allows to quantify the notion of magnetic body. One can identify dark magnetic\index{flux quanta} flux quanta relevant to biology as 4-surfaces at pages of the book for which Planck constant is large. \item The question about the precise form of the hierarchy of Planck constants remained open for a long time. The recent view is that all integer multiples of basic value $\hbar_0$ are allowed. The first guess was $\hbar_0=\hbar$ but now it seems that $\hbar_0$ is considerably smaller than $\hbar$. There are also arguments suggesting that hierarchies involving integer multiples of some integer multiple of $\hbar$ are realized and number theoretical vision could allow this kind of hierarchies. For instance, there are indications that Planck constants comings as $2^{11k_d}$- multiples of the standard Planck constant are in in a special role in biology (this might relate to proton electron mass ratio and to the fact that $2^{11}\simeq m_p/m_e$ could appear as a fundamental constant in TGD Universe, as well as to the fact that the phases $exp(i2\pi 2^{-k_d})$ are number theoretically simple). \item The notion of\index{personal magnetic body} personal magnetic body (actually onion-like fractal hierarchy of them) is essential for the TGD inspired model of living matter and predicts a hierarchy of generalized\index{EEG} EEGs associated with the magnetic bodies and responsible for the communications from biological body or its part to the corresponding magnetic body. There is no reason to assume that only personal magnetic bodies of living systems are relevant. Rather, the view about entire magnetosphere as a conscious system controlling the behavior of biosphere emerges naturally. In this book this vision is developed. \end{enumerate} Most of the material of this book has been written much before the dark matter revolution and formulation of the \index{zero energy ontology} zero energy ontology and that I have only later added comments to the existing text. I hope that I can later add new material in which the implications of the dark matter hierarchy are discussed in more detail. \subsection{The organization of the book "Magnetospheric Consciousness} The book is divided to 3 parts. \begin{enumerate} \item In the first part of the book the first chapter is devoted to the idea about\index{magnetosphere} a magnetosphere as a conscious system perhaps defining in some respects a fractally scaled up version of the biological body and brain. At the first look this idea sounds completely crazy but in TGD Universe p-adic fractality and the fractality associated with\index{dark matter} dark matter hierarchy make it look rather natural. Furthermore, magnetic body and electric body would be TGD counterparts for the Maxwellian fields and the explanatory power of these notions justifies their introduction. Second chapter represents a vision about the relationship between EEG and magnetosphere. \item The second part of the book contains two chapters about the notion of semitrance. Semitrance is based on quantum\index{entanglement} entanglement of the sub-self of self, say the subsystem of the brain, with a remote system. The idea that sub-systems of two unentangled systems can entangle and in this manner give rise to a sharing and fusion of\index{mental image} mental images (stereo vision would be the basic example) makes sense only in many-sheeted space. A rigorous justification for the sharing of mental images comes from the notion of\index{finite measurement resolution} finite measurement resolution - one of the fundamental notions of quantum TGD. The proposal is that\index{semitrance} semitrance could have been a basic control and communication tool of collective levels of consciousness during the period of human consciousness which Jaynes calls bicamerality. Schizophrenics could be seen as modern bicamerals. The idea that human consciousness might have had totally different character for only a few millennia ago, finds additional support from the notions of super- and hyper\index{genome} genome implicated naturally by the dark matter hierarchy and the notion of magnetic body. Super genome could be seen as a book having magnetic\index{flux sheet} flux sheets as pages. Text lines would be defined by genomes for sequences of nuclei. This would make possible coherent\index{gene expression} gene expression at the level of organs. The text lines of\index{hyper genome} hyper genome would consist of super genomes of different organisms, not necessarily of the same species. Hyper genome would make possible coherent gene expression at the level of social group and society and give rise also to social rules. The identification of \index{meme} memes as hyper genes looks rather attractive. The evolution of the hyper genome could be seen as the basic driver of the explosive evolution of human civilizations during the last two millennia and would also distinguish us from our cousins. \item The two chapters of the third part of the book entitled \blockquote{Crazy Stuff} are devoted to a model of\index{crop circle} crop circles: it is left to the reader to decide whether the chapters should be taken as miserable crack-pottery, mental gymnastics with tongue in cheek, or as a fruit of a new brave vision about us and the Universe. In the first chapter it is proposed that crop circles are due to intentional action of magnetospheric higher level self or a higher level self using magnetosphere as a tool to build them. In the second chapter two special crop circles, Chilbolton and\index{Crabwood} Crabwood crop circles, are discussed in detail and the proposal that they provide information about the genomes of the life forms responsible for the crop circles. Some candidates for these life forms are discussed: the most science-fictive identification allowed by TGD would be ourselves in distant\index{geometric future} geometric future using time mirror mechanism to affect\index{geometric past} geometric past. \end{enumerate}
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Brain as a hologram is an old idea and it emerges naturally also in TGD framework both at quantum and classical level, which by quantum classical correspondence is expected to reflect what happens at the deeper quantum level. The book was written long time ago and necessarily contains mammoth bones- my apologies. The book is organized to three parts. \subsection{Organization of \blockquote{Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms}} \begin{enumerate} \item The first part of the book contains four chapters about this topic reflecting the development of ideas about TGD Universe as conscious hologram. It also provides background for the applications. The first chapter is about macroscopic quantum coherence and 4-D spin-glass degeneracy. The latter notion emerged from the huge vacuum degeneracy of K\"ahler and also involves non-determinism. The twistor lift of TGD introduces to the action a volume term having interpretation in terms of length scale dependent cosmological constant. The cosmological constant can be arbitrarily small so that the idealization of action as K\"ahler action might be a good approximation in long scales. The non-determinism might reflect the finite non-determinism associated with the space-time surfaces as minimal surfaces, analogous to Bohr orbits for particles identified as 3-surfaces. Second chapter is about what the phrase \bockquote{bio-systems as conscious holograms} could mean. \item The second part of the book is devoted to\index{water memory} water memory- Obviously, a connection between these two suggests itself. A discovery - certainly one of the greatest surprises of my professional life - popped up as an outcome of an attempt to understand the mechanism behind water memory for which rather strong support exists now. The idea was that dark nuclei which sizes zoomed up to atomic size scale could provide a representation of genes with\index{dark nucleon} dark nucleons consisting of three quarks representing DNA codons. It turned out that the model for dark nucleon consisting of three quarks predicts counterparts of 64 DNAs, 64 RNAs, and 20 amino-acids and allows to identify vertebrate\index{genetic code} genetic code as a natural mapping of DNA type states to amino-acid type states. The population of dark nuclei would be new life-form possibly responsible for the water memory. The first chapter is about water memory and somewhat provocatively titled \blockquotee{Homeopathy in many-sheeted space-time}. Second chapter added rather recently is about cancer as disease of magnetic body. There are two chapters about metabolism and macroscopic quantum coherence and the last chapter is about remote metabolism providing in zero energy ontology a new mechanism of metabolism. \item The third part of the book is devoted to metabolism. The chapter about\index{metabolism} metabolism represents a possible model of metabolism based on the identification of universal\index{metabolic energy} metabolic energy quanta as increments of zero point kinetic energies emitted or absorbed as particles are transferred between space-time time sheets characterized by different\index{p-adic prime} p-adic primes. This model is only one of the many alternatives and very probably out-of date. The basic assumption is however correct: what is required is a system analogous to a laser with population reversal receiving negative energy signals and dropping to a lower energy state. Remote metabolism is achieved by sending negative energy signals to this kind of system. The picture discussed in this chapter is in several respect out-of-date but I have included it because it gives a view of how the ideas have developed. During last 15 years a real understanding of metabolism in terms of zero energy ontology (ZEO) based theory of consciousness and hierarchy of Planck constants $h_{eff}=n\times h_0$ has emerged. The chapters of this book were written for the first time about two decades and fail to fully reflect this progress. \end{enumerate}
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The topics of \blockquote{{\it Genes and Memes: Part I}} relate to DNA and\index{genome} genome in several ways. \begin{enumerate} \item The oldest layers in the stratigraphy are the vision about DNA inspired by the notion of\index{many-sheeted space-time} many-sheeted space-time and the model of genetic code inspired by the notion of Combinatorial Hierarchy predicting also the existence of what I have called \index{meme} memetic code. The hierarchy would contain at least three levels including the predecessor of genetic code, genetic code, and what I have coined as memetic code. Surprisingly, the idea of memetic code made a comeback quite recently (2023) and might be realized at the level of DNA. \item The chapter devoted to the notion of\index{many-sheeted DNA} many-sheeted DNA represents rather old contributions and the original model is not yet realistic. \item The discoveries of Peter Gariaev about the interaction of ordinary and laser light with\index{genome} genome combined with the ideas about dark matter and water memory led to a concrete model for the interaction of\index{photon} photons with DNA. One prediction is that it is possible to \blockquote{see} dark matter by allowing ordinary matter interaction with DNA and Peter Gariaev might have already done this. In this process ordinary photons would transform to dark ones, scatter from dark matter, transform back to ordinary photons and arrive at camera. A second discovery - certainly one of the greatest surprises of my professional life - was an end product of an attempt to understand the mechanism behind\index{water memory} water memory for which rather strong support exists now. The idea was that dark nuclei which sizes zoomed up to atomic size scale could provide a representation of genes. The findings of the group of Luc Montagnier findings suggesting the remote replication of DNA are also discussed. \end{enumerate}
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\subsection{Organization of \blockquote{TGD and Nuclear Physics}} The book consists of two parts. The first part of the book is devoted to the applications of the hierarchy of Planck constants to particle physics and (mostly) nuclear physics. \begin{enumerate} \item Already at seventies, evidence for states formed in heavy nucleus collisions and decaying to electron-positrons pairs emerged and the TGD explanation is in terms of lepto-hadron physics inspired by the possibility that leptons (as also quarks) might have color partial waves which are light. Whether the masses of these states can be light is still an open question but p-adic thermodynamics in principle can answer the question. The observed resonances could be string-like entities analogous to mesons but formed from color excitations of leptons. String-like entities form a fractal-like hierarchy in the TGD Universe and can appear in all scales. Not only elementary particles but also nuclei could be string-like entities. This leads to what I call the nuclear string model. In this framework one also ends up with a proposal that dark nuclei can exist and would have a smaller scale of binding energy scaling like $h/h_{eff}$. This idea is applied to an anomaly known as \blockquote{cold fusion}. \item The TGD based view about nuclear physics does not separate nuclear and condensed matter physics to completely isolated realms. This leads to speculations concerning the reported anomalies such as "cold fusion" suggesting that these two physics indeed couple. Dark matter and dark nuclear physics would be central also for the understanding of living matter, in particular, genetic code would have a representation at the level of dark nuclei. \item The Shnoll effect is an "impossible" effect appearing for a very large variety of systems. In nuclear physics the fluctuations for the number of decays per time interval fluctuates but the spectrum should consist of a single peak. It is however multi-peaked, as if the nucleus had several variants with different decay rates. The weird finding is that the peak spectrum correlates with the distances of the Earth from Sun and Moon as its periodic variations demonstrate. Here the hierarchy of Planck constants, in particular the notion of gravitational Planck constant, could provide an explanation. \end{enumerate} \item The second part of the book contains considerations related to the topology of WCW. Here I must confess that I am moving at the boundaries of my mathematical understanding and skills. The first chapter discusses a proposal for the homology of WCW compared with Floer homology and quantum homology. Second chapter discusses the intersection form for 4-manifolds, knots and 2-knots, smooth exotics for 4-manifolds from the TGD point of view. There is also a chapter about knots in the TGD framework. \end{enumerate}
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Besides general problems, which might be regarded as philosophical, the anomalies of the physicalistic world view have served as the source of inspiration. Several poorly understood phenomena have played a central role in the "Poiroting-like" process leading to the development of TGD based views about quantum biology. Mention only the effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain, biophotons, water memory, Pollack effect, and Comorosan effect. The notion of syntropy by Fantappie, which challenges the belief that the arrow of time is not always the same in living systems, has been also inspiring. In this article I will discuss the TGD based vision and the above listed phenomena, which are often forgotten. I will also compare the TGD based view with the proposed interpretation of morphogenetic field as em field generated by DNA and realizing genetic code discussed in the articles of Savelev et al, and compare it with the TGD based models of genetic code realized in terms of dark nucleons and dark photons. The findings described in these articles and in the articles of Yolene Thomas about water memory also provide new tests for the TGD based view. As always, this kind of process led to some new ideas and insights.
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The purpose of the present paper is to establish a unitary parallel multichannel filter bank approach to clinical magnetic resonance tomography and magnetic resonance microscopy. The approach which is based on the Stern-Gerlach filter explains the high resolution capabilities of these non-invasive cross-sectional imaging modalities which revolutionized the field of clinical diagnostics. .
It is well known that instantaneous information transfer is impossible. Due to the EPR paradox, the theory of quantum information is considered to be mysterious and counterintuitive for half a century. The concept of projective spinorial symmetry, however, definitely changed the perspective: Quantum holography is capable to unveil the mysteries of EPR singlets in terms of the theory of unitary symplectic spinors. For the quantum information transferred from the cryptographic sender to the decoding receiver, it is crucial to observe that the metaplectic group Mp(2,ℝ) of simultaneous observables forms the uniquely determined connected two-fold covering of the symplectic group Sp(1,ℝ). The elements of the metaplectic representation R of Mp(2,ℝ) are viewed as intertwining operators of various incarnations of the linear Schrödinger representation of the Heisenberg nilpotent Lie group G. The mod 4 Maslov index allows an explicit construction of Mp(2,ℝ). Its covering sheets, inherently unidentifiable by the cryptographic sender, actually prevent the phase information from being cloned by the decoding receiver. Due to the covariance of the automorphism group Mp(2,ℝ) of the quantum logic which is associated to the unitary dual G ^ of the Heisenberg group G, quantum holography provides an approach to the quantum teleportation phenomenon of photonics as well as the spin echo teleportation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPRS). Because it is based on the transition from ebits to the chirality exchange qubits via classical information, the spin echo teleportation forms the prototype of the quantum teleportation experiment which is targeted for the teleportation of the quantum state of a particle at a particular location, not the particle itself, to another destination. The classical message plays an important role for the perfect reconstruction problem of the quantum teleportation of photonics as well as NMR spectroscopy and MRI. It could not be otherwise, because any long range quantum cross-correlation between the input and the estimated output could be used to swap a superluminal phase coherent wavelet packet from the cryptographic sender to the decoding receiver. Due to the conjunction of qubits and classical bits, quantum information theory is not in conflict with special relativity theory.
How the geometric phase arises in quantum systems is described. Some of the ways in which the geometric phase has been experimentally observed in optics, neutron optics, and nuclear magnetic resonance studies are reviewed.
A serious enquiry into Schrodinger's question, What is life, and a celebration of life itself. A voyage of discovery through many areas of contemporary physics, from non-equilibrium thermodynamics and quantum optics to liquid crystals and fractals, all necessary for illuminating the problem of life. A rare and exquisite view of the organism, not only its physics, but also the poetry and meaning of being alive.
Thirty years ago, in a seminal article on the operational approach towards quantum mechanics, Willis E. Lamb1 described the situation in quantum theory and measurement2 by quoting Mark Twain: "Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it". In the past few years, this situation has changed drastically — we now have precise instructions for two of the main stages of the measurement process in quantum mechanics, preparation and measurement of the quantum state (for an overview, see ref. 3). Another breakthrough is reported on page 233 of this issue by Weinacht et al.4, who describe an experiment in which they shape an atomic electron's wavefunction and drive it into a chosen state using tailored laser pulses (Fig. 1, overleaf). This work opens a new avenue in the field of coherent control and will have important applications in quantum computing and bond-selective chemistry.
A rigorous proof of quantum parallelism cannot be based on the Heisenberg inequality because the standard deviation of self-adjoint operators in complex Hilbert space is insensitive to fine structures of the collective stationary interference distribution generated by a Mach-Zehnder interferometer from a coherent primary beam. Actually Niels Bohr's indeterminacy principle of spatio-temporal quantum electrodynamics cannot be based on any of the known uncertainty principles. It is shown how the holographic transform allows to circumvent the difficulties with the standard deviation by using a group theoretical implementation of the canonical commutation relations of quantum electrodynamics. The geometric quantization approach combined with the emitter-absorber transaction model of quantum dynamics on the whole real line R allows one to describe by a Liouville density the flow and counter-flow of single optical photons in split fan-in/fan-out coherent photonic channels. It makes the heuristic arguments concerning quantum parallelism rigorous by considering the collective stationary interference distributions of coherent wavepacket densities as symplectic spinors over the linear symplectic manifold modelled on the hologram plane. Consequently the symplectic spinorial organizational form governs photonic holograms. It implies the existence of single-photon holograms and includes the standard uncertainty inequality as a special case.
A mathematically specified model of the brain/mind working by the physically realisable processes of quantum holography is proposed, in which mental events autonomously cause neural events. These are made manifest by adaptive resonance so as to elicit the stream of consciousness of which we are all aware. This takes place against a background of unconscious activity, for example the taxonomization and storage of sensory experience and mental activity in the form of a distributed, paged, holographic memory. The very considerable benefits of this form of memory and the associated image and signal processing by adaptive filtering are explained. It is shown that such a model exhibits many of the basic features of the actual morphology and dynamics of human brains including the possibility of language and logic as enhancements to the primary capabilities of perception and cognition. It confirms the nature of our personal experience as having a conscious mental self or ghost in the machine, in accordance with the traditional dualist-metaphysics of a physical brain and a separate mind which interact.
Many attempts have been made to overcome the limit imposed by the Turing Machine to realise general mathematical functions and models of (physical) phenomena.They center around the notion of computability.In this paper we propose a new definition of computability which lays the foundations for a theory of cybernetic and intelligent machines in which the classical limits imposed by discrete algorithmic procedures are offset by the use of continuous operators on unlimited data. This data is supplied to the machine in a totally parallel mode, as a field or wave.This theory of machines draws its concepts from category theory, Lie algebras, and general systems theory. It permits the incorporation of intelligent control into the design of the machine as a virtual element. The incorporated control can be realized in many (machine) configurations of which we give three:a) a quantum mechanical realization appropriate to a possible understanding of the quantum computer and other models of the physical microworld,b) a stochastic realization based on Kolmogorov-Gabor theory leading to a possible understanding of generalised models of the physical or thermodynamic macroworld, and lastlyc) a classical mechanical realization appropriate lo the study of a new class of robots.Particular applications at a fundamental level are cited in geometry, mathematics, biology, acoustics, aeronautics, quantum mechanics, general relativity and. Markov chains. The proposed theory therefore opens a new way towards understanding the processes that underlie intelligence.